Philodendron scandens 'Cream Splash' is a striking variegated cultivar of the Heartleaf Philodendron, celebrated for its unique foliage with cream, white, silver, and light green streaks. This popular houseplant is not only visually appealing but also relatively easy to care for, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts.
Native to: The Philodendron hederaceum species, from which 'Cream Splash' is derived, originates from the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. However, the 'Cream Splash' cultivar itself is a product of selective breeding and not found in the wild.
Water: Water your Philodendron 'Cream Splash' when the top 5-7 cm of soil have dried out. It's important to ensure the pot has good drainage to prevent waterlogging and root rot, which these plants are prone to. Typically, you’ll need to water about once a week during the growing season, with reduced frequency during the winter months.
Light: This Philodendron prefers bright, indirect light to maintain its vibrant variegation. Direct sunlight can damage the delicate leaves, causing them to scorch and the variegation to fade. If natural light is limited, consider supplementing with fluorescent or LED grow lights.
Humidity: Philodendron 'Cream Splash' thrives in humidity levels of 50% to 60%. If the air in your home is dry, especially during winter, increase humidity by using a humidifier or placing the plant on a pebble tray with water. This will help to keep the leaves healthy and vibrant.
Temperature: Maintain a temperature range between 18°C to 29°C for optimal growth. Avoid exposing the plant to temperatures below 13°C, as it is sensitive to cold and may suffer if kept in cooler conditions for extended periods.